Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Window 7 Administrator Password Change

There are few easy steps to change window 7 administrator password.
1.First Shut Down the system.
2 Press the start button.
3. waiting for the window logo
4.Press the power button when you see the window logo.
5 Start the machine again it shows you the start up repair on your screen
6. After waiting few minutes  it shows you windows cannot repair automatically
7.Click on view problem details on X:\windows\system32\en-US\erofflps.txt


9. You see a Notepad .click on NEW
10.Click on open
11.Open the c;\windows\system32
12.Search file name sethc and change name of this file
13.After copy cmd and paste it in same folder
14 change the name cmd-copy to sethc
15.Restart the system
16.You see window 7 login screen
17.Press shift key 5 times
18.command prompt will apppear on screen

19.Type this command net user administrator *

20.Type your password and confirm it .your administrator password change

1 comment:

How to find the serial number usning CMD.

 1. Open the Command prompt. 2. Type the below mentioned command in CMD.        wmic bios get serialnumber